British culture and everyday life

Assignments for chapter one
1. Name the characteres... write your observsations here...

2. Did you understand?

- who is the main character?

- who is the total opposite of Jesminder?

- what has happend in chapter one?

3. When you find difficult words, put them in here... Look them up and write the translation


Assignments for chapter two

1. Jesminder is an Indian girl. In chapter one, we find out that she it a Sikh. Find out what that is and share your findings in the Facebook group under the event "Bend it like Beckham"

We'll discuss it in class


2. Write a summary for each chapter... we'll work together, so write it in here...

We'll write the summary as we read along


Assignments for chapter three

1. write a summary of chapter three

2. Do the cross word puzzle...


 Assignments for chapter four
1. Look at the list characters... does it need an update? you'll find it here...
2. Write a summary for chapter four
3. Think about:
 - Why does Jess have to lie?
 - What's the difference between Jess' family and Jules' family/cultural background?
Assignments for chapter five and six
In some cultures the parents has a lot to say in their childrens life. In Jess' parents has a lot of plans for Jess' but she is never asked. When her mother was young she had even less to say.
In the western culture parents do not pick a future husband for their daughters or decide what their sons are supposed to study.
 - Do you think that parents should have more or less to say in their childrens life?
 - Do you think you could have a happy arranged marriage?
 - How big an influence does your parents have on your choises in life?
Write down in shorthand your oppinion on the subject. we'll discuss it in class

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